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Highly hazardous pesticides
Highly hazardous pesticides may have acute and/or chronic toxic effects, posing a particular risk to children, and are recognized as an issue of global concern. Their widespread use has caused health problems and fatalities in many parts of the world, often as a result of occupational exposure and accidental or intentional poisonings. Fumigation in Karachi
Available data are too limited to estimate the overall global health impacts of pesticides; however, the global impact of self-poisoning (suicides) from preventable pesticide ingestion was estimated to amount to 155,488 deaths and 7,362,493 Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) in 2016. Studies have shown that introduction of regulations to ban the use of HHPs has saved lives. Fumigation
The greatest exposure to highly hazardous pesticides is for agricultural and public health workers during handling, dilution, mixing, and application.
The general population may be exposed through the consumption of residues of pesticides in food and, possibly, drinking water. pest control services
Pesticides are widely used by pest control operators (PCOs) for the control of vectors, pests
of public health importance, stored product pests, structural pests such as termites and
wood-boring insects, as well as weeds along highways and public places. The use of
pesticides in close proximity to the human population by Pest Controls. who are untrained, lacking
in competence and unregulated in many countries is of great concern. Such uncontrolled
pest control activities not only affect human health and at times even kill but also cause
adverse environmental effects and shorten the period of availability of much-needed
pesticides due to resistance.
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In a global survey carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the public
health pesticide registration and management practices of WHO Member States in 2010 (1),
only 70% of the 106 reporting countries required PCOs to be licensed or certified.
The importance of PCOs in pesticide management is internationally recognized and is one
of the entities addressed in the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management (2).
Clause 6.1.3 of the Code, which specifically refers to PCOs, states that “Governments
should establish regulatory schemes such as licenses or permits for pest control operators”.
Given the importance and prevailing situation of the pest control industry in many
developing countries and to encourage compliance with the Code, the FAO/WHO Joint
Meeting on Pesticide Management at its seventh meeting (Geneva, October 2013)
recommended that a guidance document be prepared to assist the Member States as well as the
PCO industry in addressing the issues and challenges related to the industry.
This guide is intended to provide countries that have yet to require PCOs to be licensed with
practical information on implementing their own licensing schemes. Additionally, even for
countries reporting that they require PCOs to be licensed, the document will also provide
helpful guidance in reviewing and strengthening national PCO licensing schemes.
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